Saturday, January 12, 2013

2012 in review

2012 held so many milestones and memories for our family, and there's no way we could possible squeeze them into one blog post! This 2012 review is conducted iPhone photo dump style; it was fun looking back.

2012 was a year of friends. Celebrating 15 years of best-friend-ship:

And creating new ones:

Our favorite (and only) nephew, Jax, turns ONE! And we got to make his rocket ship smash cake:

Both Kevin & Chelle turn 27:

A Pre-wedding vacation to FL:

The making of the bridesmaid gifts:

And bachelorette party gifts:


Getting our marriage license:


Trips to the farmers market:

Then quickly becoming the typical "old married couple" :) :

Picnics in the park with the family:

Matty's football games:

Weekly pregnancy chalkboards for my cutie pregnant friend!:

and our littlest sister turns EIGHTEEN!:

Looking forward to the fun 2013 brings!

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