Monday, June 4, 2012

Strangers No More!

WOW. I cannot believe it’s been over 6 months since my last post! I have genuinely missed blogging. And this lapse in time offers up a candid look at almost the very moment in time when life, and wedding planning, got CRAZY. I couldn’t BEGIN to give justice to the changes and updates, and photos worth sharing that have occurred during this time, but I will attempt a minor update, and pick things up from there. You see, I have this problem. With order. Do you have it also? The problem is, I get off track with something, and in order to pick it back up, I have to account for any missing pieces (in this case, lost time), so that it continues a flow that makes sense. I cant just IGNORE the fact that my blog has been absent of any content for the past 7 months, NO. I must account for this time, so that you don’t miss a moment!! Well, that’s just not reasonable..or fun. And that’s why I blog. Its FUN for me. And I have been putting off getting back into things because I haven’t quite known how to start. The problem is, life hasn’t waited for me to figure it out and as it goes on, there goes several opportunities that I would have LOVED to forever document in blog form! So, Im biting the bullet, letting go of my need for order, and just getting on with it. I will leave you with some photos of some of our most memorable moments of the past 7 months!

Thanksgiving 2011!

We were given the honor of hosting our dual family’s 2011 Thanksgiving feast, and with it being our first year in the house, it was one of my favorite memories! Since I have a “bug” for holiday décor/entertaining, this was SO fun/therapeutic for me! (And now I’m ready to let the mamma’s take it back over from here!!!). I praise God that our families (mine & Kevin’s) love each other, and that we get to do things as one, big, happy, combined group! It makes life so much easier!

Seating for EIGHTEEN!

Christmas 2011

Our first Christmas in the house with the big orange door was amazing!! With luck, I managed to find TWO Christmas trees on Craigslist for dirt cheap earlier in the summer, which allowed me the chance to put a tree up in both the upstairs and downstairs living rooms. This worked AWESOME, as we have two sets of “décor”: red/black & Blue/gold.


*Great use of an upcycled frame mirror painted red, some scrapbook paper in a frame, and some old ornaments snagged from a thrift store!

Loved filling some space with some pine-cones of differing sizes/quantities, and this HUGE stocking! We have some plans for this stocking next Christmas, so stay tuned! I cant believe its only 6 months away again! Time Flies.

And Beyond:

1. 150 Save the Dates: DONE!
2. A root-touchup gone HORRIBLY wrong turns into a new hair color worth keeping around!

3. Friend gets Pregnant!
4. QT with the mamma!
5. Nephew turns 1!!
6. Engagement pics!


8. FINALLY, new table!

9. Bridal Shower!

10. Wedding invites: SENT!

*Image & invitation suite courtesy of Marissa C., PitterPatterClunk 
11. Pre-Wedding Getaway!
12: Bachelorette!


This should leave my mind feeling "caught up". If you're reading this, thanks for sticking it out! . You can most definitely expect shorter and more regular posts from here on out.


  1. Hi Michelle! I saw a bunch of pins from you on Pinterest last night. I was thinking to myself that I hoped you'd start blogging again soon! I was excited when I saw a new post from you in my google reader!

    Your wedding looked so beautiful and creative. I love your invites!

    1. Thanks!!!! I really cant wait to get pictures back to share! Thanks for lovin' on my blog! I love yours too! ;)

      I went "junking" in WDM yesterday as it's their "big trash day" today and tomorrow. 1. you wouldnt believe all the crazies out there, horders, 2. we scored some AWESOME stuff, including 2 old ladders and some super old drawers (hence all the pins on those two items alone ;) )
