Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Valentine!

With Valentines Day fast approaching, I found myself thinking a lot this year about my sweet, sweet husband. I thought about what life would look like without him. I thought about what kind of person he inspires me to be. I thought about how unconditional his love is. What he sacrifices for me.

Then yesterday I read a blog that talked about keeping God first, your husband second. The Lord calls us to put nothing before him; even our husbands. I often feel convicted because I don't show even close to the same time, attention, and devotion to The Lord as I do my husband. In this blog, Danielle says the following:

"Your relationships with The Lord should ALWAYS take priority in your life, and you should always be striving to seek him. When you do that, the rest of your priorities (including loving on that sweet husband of yours), are more likely to be in order...and notice who comes second. Not you (selfish). Not your parents, family, friends, kids, job, hobbies, etc. your HUSBAND is next. God wants it that way..."

As I pondered on this I wondered why I hadn't stopped to think about My Father in heaven this Valentines "season".

After all, what would life look like without HIM?!
How amazing to think about what kind of person HE inspires me to be!
How powerful and humbling is HISunconditional love for me?!
How amazing was HIS sacrifice for me--for US!!! The absolute ultimate sacrifice. 

I love my husband so very dearly, and he is a sweet and precious gift to me from whom?! My God!! 

This year, whether you're single or married, love Valentines Day or hate the Commercialized holiday altogether--take a moment to meditate on the LOVE The Lord has for us, as well as the amount of LOVE you're showing him! HE is our true, and eternal, valentine!

(I encourage you to read the rest of her blog post on being a Godly wife! Although not popular opinion by the "world's" standards, these are biblical truths that I pray I can improve upon to be the kind of wife The Lord desired me to be for Mr. A!).

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