Monday, May 20, 2013

The Summer Three

Sometimes it's important to capture random iPhone memories, and there were three photos I stumbled upon in my recent photo album browsing that had me thinking: What great summer memories!!

1. Mr. A's first mow of the season got our Herky extremely excited. He did so many laps around dad while he was mowing, that he grass-stained himself!!

2. Mr. A and I planted our first TREE. Ever! Tensions where high. So were nerves. Would we mess it up? we didn't even own a shovel! But, thankfully, after a morning of studying instructions and bothering everyone at Home Depot, we have ourselves our very first tree. It's a variety of Cherry Blossom that my Grandparents-in-law got my for my birthday! I can't wait to see it grow!

 3. SNOW IN MAY. What!? Just as the grass got the greenest I'd seen it so far this year, and the flowering tree in our front yard got loaded with blooms, we had a substantial snow-storm. First snow in May since 1907. WOW. It definitely looked like season confusion driving down our street lined with flowering trees and heavy white snow. It was interesting, and okay, even a little pretty.

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