Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Chelsey is 21!

The day that Chelsey walked into her life, Chelle no longer considered herself an only child. Chelsey was only 11, and an instant bond was formed. Ten years later, after makeup lessons, hair lessons, crying over guys, break-ups, reunions, career advice, DIY parties, hair dying parties, arm scratching, one sister's baby, and one sister's wedding (making their "sister" title official), Chelsey is finally 21! 

We couldn't be prouder of the amazing woman she is turning into, and are so excited to see the life she continues to make for herself. 

Last night was her birthday party, and she kicked off the night with a birthday cake UV shot. <gross>

Happy 21 Chelsey!
To Make: hot glue ribbon to pencils or dowel rods, hot glue finger nail polish to the top, and stick in a bouquet of flowers! 

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